Welcome to Carea Hotel Fürstenhof!
Contact us
How to find us
+49 7474 6990
Hotel and KursaalHotel FürstenhofBath road 6472401 Haigerloch-Bad ImnauPhone: 07474 / 699-0 Fax: 07474 / 699-999Email: info@fuerstenhof-hotel.de
Carrier:CAREA Hotel Ltd.Rheindorfer-Burg-Weg 39, 53332 Bornheim-Walberberg
Phone (0 22 27) 85-100, Fax (0 22 27) 85-111Email: info@carea.com
Registered office of the company: BornheimBonn Local Court HRB 17621VAT ID: DE 211 38 351Management: Dr. Udo von Alten